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Connected gardens: safe sloth crossings

The Connected Gardens Project empowers community members to ensure that every single property in a given area maintains canopy connectivity with neighboring properties.

This network of connected gardens provides a safe route of passage for sloths and other arboreal animals and increases habitat availability in disturbed areas. Sloths are particularly sensitive to the effects of habitat fragmentation because they cannot jump across gaps in the forest canopy. If they cannot travel from tree-to-tree, sloths are forced to crawl across the ground where they are extremely vulnerable.

The aim of the Connected Gardens Project is to address the issues of habitat fragmentation and degradation: when once-continuous ecosystems are split up into smaller pieces and trees become increasingly isolated.

Through the Connected Gardens Project, the Sloth Conservation Foundation provides people in Costa Rica with everything that they need to make this happen – for free!

They build and install Sloth Crossing canopy bridges to connect isolated trees and forest fragments.
They cultivate and plant sloth-friendly trees in target areas to restore natural corridors while providing essential resources for wildlife.

Every single property or garden has the potential to provide safe habitat and food for wild animals.


Make a donation to the Sloth Conservation Foundation to help install more safe sloth crossings.