Sea Turtle Conservation

Sea Turtle Conservation

Since most nesting beaches are affected by factors that endanger nesting turtles, eggs and hatchlings, it is often necessary to have an appropriate conservation programme
to safeguard these populations.

Centre for Herpetology / Madras Crocodile Bank Trust – 2003 (Wildlife Institute of India)

Wildlife care basics

Wildlife care basics

The practical information in these pages will not only help the veterinarian’s o!ce provide
the needed short-term emergency care and housing, but it will also help facilitate the transfer
of disabled wild animals to licensed wildlife rehabilitators. Tips for educating and screening
the public are included, along with some relevant resource materials.

Author – Irene Ruth

wildlife electrocutions in Costa Rica

Stop the Shocks!

Fragmented habitat and the installation of electrical supply is leading to wildlife deaths and injuries because monkeys are using electrical cables as aerial runways. The cables provide an efficient, but lethal, way for the monkeys to travel through the urbanized forest. All too often, the monkeys suffer from horrific injuries and violent deaths when climbing or traveling on uninsulated power cables and transformers.

Guía para la prevencíon y mitigacíon de la electrocíon de la fauna silvestre

Guía para la prevencíon y mitigacíon de la electrocíon de la fauna silvestre

Guía para la prevencíon y mitigacíon de la electrocíon de la fauna silvestre por tendidos eléctricos en Costa Rica


Stop Animal Selfies

Stop Animal Selfies

#stopanimalselfies is a campaign promoted by the Government of Costa Rica in collaboration with civil society organizations and tourism companies, aimed at raising awareness about the negative impact of selfies and photos that exhibit direct contact with wild animals. It seeks to reduce these cruel behaviors and to alert on the potential risk involved.

How do deal with wildlife conlficts

Humane Wildlife conflict resolution guide

Is your agency or organization overwhelmed with panicked calls from the public about wildlife problems? Do you spend staff time and energy dealing with these calls? If so, this manual is for you!

Vias Amigables con la Vida Silvestre in Costa Rica

Vías Amigables con la Vida Silvestre

It is essential to harmonize the relationship between infrastructure development and biodiversity conservation. In Costa Rica, road ecology studies started in 1996. Valuable data has been collected to prove roads impact on biodiversity.