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Reforestation and Wildlife conservation

Deforestation and habitat destruction are a global phenomena, leading to the extinction of species and contributing to a great extent to climate change.

Tierra Madre has been fighting deforestation for more than 12 years in an area of ​​vital importance for the biodiversity of species in Costa Rica. They aim to consolidate and expand their wildlife and rainforest sanctuary by protecting part of the biological corridor in which they are located and become a reference in ecosystem rehabilitation and sustainabiity education in Costa Rica.

Between 2008 and 2018, in addition to conserving the 8 hectares of primary rainforest forest subsisting on the land, Tierra Madre reforested more than 18 hectares on the slopes adjacent to it.


Wildlife corridor

With the forest spreading again, a rich and diverse fauna came back to occupy the land. After less than 7 years the first big predators appeared. Thermal cameras, as well as biologists from our NGO FAWN partners, opened the eyes to the exceptional potential of this geographical location, at the crossroad of three different climate zones and offering a cool, humid “retreat” to the fauna of the nearby reserve during the dry season. All this led to consolidating a conservation project to turn 50 of the 60 hectares into a sanctuary by reestablishing an endemic jungle.

The presence of 9 endangered animal species such as Puma, Ocelots, Boa Bècquer… are recorded in this unique location.


Wildlife release site

Wildlife rescue centers are always in need for protected release sites to return their patients back to the wild. Tierra Madre provides a sanctuary for rescued wildlife after rehabilitation.


A christmas tree for the wildlife

This year, instead of cutting down a tree or buying a plastic one for your living room, give back to nature and give a tree to the jungle and its wildlife.